FontConfig Version: 2.13.1-1 arm 


generic font configuration library - support binaries

Fontconfig is a font configuration and customization library, which
does not depend on the X Window System. It is designed to locate
fonts within the system and select them according to requirements
specified by applications.
Fontconfig is not a rasterization library, nor does it impose a
particular rasterization library on the application. The X-specific
library 'Xft' uses fontconfig along with freetype to specify and
rasterize fonts.
This package contains a program to maintain the fontconfig cache
(fc-cache), a sample program to list installed fonts (fc-list), a program
to test the matching rules (fc-match) and a program to dump the binary
cache files in string form (fc-cat). It no longer makes fonts managed by defoma
available to fontconfig applications.

Related packages
RequiredSharedUnixLibrary (>= 1.16), FontConfig-Config, LibFontConfig1
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This package is designed to work on a system with the following environment

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FontConfig-Config Version: 2.13.1-1 arm 


generic font configuration library - configuration

Fontconfig is a font configuration and customization library, which
does not depend on the X Window System. It is designed to locate
fonts within the system and select them according to requirements
specified by applications.
This package contains the configuration files and scripts for fontconfig.

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This package is designed to work on a system with the following environment

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TTF-Bitstream-Vera Version: 1.10-2  


The Bitstream Vera family of free TrueType fonts

This is a set of high-quality TrueType fonts created by Bitstream, Inc. and
released under a DFSG-free license. They are intended to remedy the lack of
free high-quality fonts for the free desktop environments.
They fully cover Western European languages (ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15) and
Turkish (ISO-8859-9). They also include a selection of mathematical and other
symbols and some limited support for Eastern European languages (parts of
ISO-8859-2). Non-latin scripts are not supported (use ttf-dejavu instead).

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TTF-DejaVu-Core Version: 2.35-2  


Vera font family derivate with additional characters

DejaVu provides an expanded version of the Vera font family aiming for
quality and broader Unicode coverage while retaining the original Vera
style. DejaVu currently works towards conformance with the Multilingual
European Standards (MES-1 and MES-2) for Unicode coverage. The DejaVu
fonts provide serif, sans and monospaced variants.
This package only contains the sans, sans-bold, serif, serif-bold,
mono and mono-bold variants. For additional variants, see the
ttf-dejavu-extra package.
DejaVu fonts are intended for use on low-resolution devices (mainly
computer screens) but can be used in printing as well.

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TTF-DejaVu-Extra Version: 2.35-2  


Vera font family derivate with additional characters (extra variants)

DejaVu provides an expanded version of the Vera font family aiming for
quality and broader Unicode coverage while retaining the original Vera
style. DejaVu currently works towards conformance with the Multilingual
European Standards (MES-1 and MES-2) for Unicode coverage. The DejaVu
fonts provide serif, sans and monospaced variants.
This package includes additional variants, such as oblique, italic,
bold-oblique, bold-italic and the condensed forms.
DejaVu fonts are intended for use on low-resolution devices (mainly
computer screens) but can be used in printing as well.

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ttf-sil-andika Version: 0.001.desrev-1  


smart Unicode sans serif font for literacy use (Design Reviews)

Andika ("Write!" in Swahili) is a sans serif, Unicode-compliant font
designed especially for literacy use, taking into account the needs of
beginning readers. The focus is on clear, easy-to-perceive letterforms that
will not be easily confused with one another.
A sans serif font is preferred by some literacy personnel for teaching
people to read. Its forms are simpler and less cluttered than some serif
fonts can be. For years, literacy workers have had to make do with fonts
that were available but not really suitable for beginning readers and
writers. In some cases, literacy specialists have had to tediously cobble
together letters from a variety of fonts in order to get the all of
characters they need for their particular language project, resulting in
confusing and unattractive publications. Andika addresses those issues.
The principal purpose of this Design Review release is to get feedback
( from the people who know literacy
font needs best. Please make your insights and observations known to us.
This is work in progress but is it already very useful. The review period
is now over but you may still get in touch with the upstream designers.
See the FONTLOG for information on this and previous releases and for
contributing to the project. Work on the final version of the font
family is currently underway.
Author: Victor Gaultney, Annie Olsen - SIL International

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UnixFont Version: 0.1-2  


Placeholder application for storing unix fonts

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